First Visit
We are so excited for your first visit with us here at Smith Smile Orthodontics. Dr. Gerald "Jerry" Smith loves meeting new patients and makes sure every patient is acquainted with our office. We treat each patient uniquely because not all patients are alike. Please feel free to fill out our patient forms online ahead of time to make your appointment run on schedule. Your first visit will include an initial examination and a thorough discussion of your treatment options whether it be Damon clear braces, Invisalign, or something else. We will also address the questions below that cover the fundamentals of orthodontic treatment.
• Is there a condition that Dr. Jerry can address?
• Is treatment needed now or should it be delayed until further and necessary growth, tooth eruption, or other requirements have occurred?
• What type of procedures will be used to correct my orthodontic problem?
• Do I need any permanent teeth removed?
• How long will the treatment process take?
• What is the fee?
• What are my payment options?
We Believe In Open Communication
Open communication is so important for Dr. Jerry and his staff at Smith Smile Orthodontics. We will speak candidly with you about your diagnosis and provide recommendations for you that are appropriate for your situation. We also believe it's a team effort in reaching your orthodontic goals. By working together, we can achieve your goal for a beautiful smile!